
  • This amazing clip # 1-4 Saturday) Shin rice cake to eat Eyes won) Amazing Saturday notice
    카테고리 없음 2019. 12. 16. 15:59

    Is there a style of music? RM: I would like, as well as our feelings and show our sensitivity to reflect various aspects of the development of our times. Jin: I want to try rock genre. I think our members will come in good charisma. Sugar: I do not know what to say. Please expect a lot because it shows many drill. J. Hops: Bulletproof Boy Scouts will think it's just Bulletproof Boy Scouts. Any style of music, any style of performance, with bulletproof Scouting brings out the style. Jimin: Year

    I will not tell. But I do? Pressure is also a part of life. J. Hops: I can not say that. These days, I think I live with a sense of mission. Rather than think "should be perfect!", I do what I do. I remember what an important and fundamental hamyeonseoyo and make sure that the results will follow. Jimin: I think everything hagorado aside, I always owe to all those coming to see our performances show a near perfect performance in the least. V: feel the pressure to have to show a near-perfect performance, it is also important natural

    Haetneundeyo recently started a VLIVE on, this is the platform for our fans. We're there, you can leave comments to see their message. We feel that the entire world is connected together via social media. Language is no longer a barrier. And we are before a commitment to good music, the true message and communication

    The contact in the direction towards hagetdaneun paid to deuleogatdago. I do not know why yet more. This is the situation. It feels that divorce is coming seulseul damage mentally after a while. I believe that was easy, like a state that exceeds the loss. Inde bappaya normal day at the end of the year does not concentrate in one. While the game is a hobby that can comfortably amused at all. When you send and receive e-mail with his ex-wife, heart sinking state. Speaking refused to meet even the b deultteup mind when the phone Di trestle. The situation in themselves and recognize that over the very

    * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ One of the birth of the festival die 2nd! The message was also read all the cute (¨), always thank you for your support! Ballet habits in the photo with a childhood friend who is taking the nursery was also true in the street っ

    Yet thin as impressive as it provides sufficient shock absorption, yet you feel when you feel a sense of cushion beyond suffice. Not even the force of that Nike and other companies are focusing cushion, shows correctly make such a repulsive force is not so important performance. Disadvantages - you can think that. If you deliberately picked, Nike Zoom

    Baknarae this year has focused on whether there could be the protagonist. But the year's second half, nolmyeon What are you doing? 'To' target 'the pursuit of the project, leading to' Mulberry mammals "from" Yu flash "Yoo being exerted to dwitsim with frightening speed sikimyeo succession box office over the variables make no peace of mind for Magna baknarae. Creative EDAILY johyejin Reporter] Group Eyes won the eve of appearing 'Amazing Saturday "side is being discussed whether to leave the station.

    2 Back to hit olraohmyeo Letter # 55 Oh I'd Hansol players started chasing the back of the GP of letters GP handprints rippling far 55 times, five Hansol players pat the norideon Saehan Motor Sports # 29 of jeondaeeun players late Oh Hansol match, the beating to succeed and are olraseoge up one hit in the head 29 times saean jeondaeeun players of motor sport has succeeded in coming up is still steadily up

    Press. Perhaps, hanchisu If I bought a big shoes, and together the sites where the projections seemed to be haejulsu also features a sole that moves less when running catch as placed on the toes of the back barok ,,, When I ordered to size, sticking press this area to continue the soles of the feet. I have not even bought anything acupressure shoes I think that ,,, Lee Act forms the perfect mungchyeojyeo rounded at the site geukhyeom ,,,,

    Blog updated Sakaguchi tamami] A 18-year-old!さ か ぐ ち 坂 道 登 り 坂! た ま に は 珠 美 と 登 っ て ね. お は よ う ご ざ い ま す 18 歳 に な っ た 3 期 生 阪 口 珠 美 で す \ () / \ () / \ () / お 家 で 誕生 日 パ ー テ ィ ー を し ま し た. も ち ろ ん 愛犬 テ ィ フ ァ ニ ーち ゃ ん も お 祝 い し て く れ ま し た. * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ ま し た ー !! に な り 歳 11 月 10 日 で 18 わ ー い わ い わ い !!! 3 期 生 4 期 生 の み ん な に お 祝 い し て も ら え て 嬉 し か っ た で す. ス タ ッ フ さ ん も わ ざ わ ざ ケ ー キ を 準備 し て く れ て い ま し た. () こ の ケ ー キ が な ん と 大 き い マ カ ロ ン み た い で 超 う ま う ま 美味 し い ミ ラ ク ル で し た. (_)お 誕生 日 当日 を 大好 き な メ ン バ ー と 過 ご せ て 幸 せ で す. 18 歳 の 抱負 は 大人 の 女性 に な る !!!! 素 敵 な 先輩 達 み た い に 内 面 も 外 見 も 美 し く な り た い な っ と 思 っ て い ま す. お と な 珠 美 お た ま のし み に ー! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * 生 誕 祭 で 頂 い た お 花 た ち ブ ロ グ の 写真 の 枚 数 の 都 合 で 他 に 頂 い た お 花 は 次 回 の せ ま す ね (¨) お た ま の し み に (¨ ) ど れ も 可愛 く て 楽 し く て 何 度 も 見 て ニ コ ニ コ し て し ま い ま す. 大好 き な も の, 色, お 花, 珠 美 の 事 を た く さ ん 考 え て 送 っ て く れ た ん だ な と 言 う 気 持 ち が 心底 伝 わ っ て き ま し た. 心の 底 か ら あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す. ( '-`) .. oO * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * 読 ん で く れ て あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た た ま み よ り


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